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The Courage to Letting Go

From: Maria H.
Sent on: Thursday, June 7, 2012, 6:23 PM
If you would like to reply back, please email me directly: [address removed]. Please DO NOT hit the reply button as it will REPLY ALL to all the meetup members!!
Positive Affirmations
 by Louise Hay
"I cannot learn other people's lessons for them They must do the work themselves, and they will do it when they are ready."
"Everything in my Life - every experience, every relationship - is a mirror of the mental pattern that is going on inside me."
"Today I give my best to that which I do, knowing that when one experience is complete, I am led to even more fulfilling and rewarding experiences."
Maria Haswell
The Journey
I'm guided by my spirit guide to pursue my life calling and help people in the best way I can.
I have been lead to learn different methods to teach, heal, and serve with the highest intention.
Spiritual Medium
As a spiritual medium, I can help you get messages from your loved ones on the other side. I feel that it's important for everyone to know that their loved ones are still "alive" - they are still with you, and they live on.
OSHO Zen Tarot 
OSHO Zen Tarot brings a different level of understanding to a reading.  The cards speak to you with such beauty and peace and really are able to get beneath the surface of the question for a very insightful reading.
Reiki Master/Teacher
Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese form of energy work. Reiki promotes deep relaxation and releases blockages within the physical, mental, emotional bodies. I offer Reiki treatments and also teach Reiki (In Person or Distant). 
As an Intuitive Life Coach, I work one-on-one with clients to support their personal growth, transformation, and empowerment. I work as a mentor to help you identify your needs and take the necessary steps to improve the quality of your life.
Certified Hypnotherapist 
I'm a certified Hypnotherapist. I use a number of techniques including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in my practice to help my clients. I am a proud member of the National Guild of Hypnotists.
LIKE my Facebook Page:
Quick Links

Facebook Group
Saturday, 6/9: Yoga & Hiking
Time: 9am - 12pm
This weekend, I will be participating in the Yoga & Hiking event. We will meet at the Danville Yoga & Wellness Center and carpool together to Las Trampas Regional Park. Only $30 per person / Advance Registration & Payment required
(Yoga & Hiking will be held twice a month during the Summer months at various hiking trails in the East Bay - Come join the FUN!)
Please CLICK HERE to see flyer!
Tuesday, 6/12: How to Live a Spirit Rich Life
Time: 7:15pm - 8:45pm
3-Class Series with Walter Hurd (6/12, 6/19, 6/26)
Last offering for the year - You won't want to miss this one!! 
Cost: $149 for all three classes
For more info, please CLICK HERE
 to see flyer!
Wednesday, 6/13: Reiki Night (Every 2nd Wednesday)
Time: 7:15 - 8:45pm
Relax and quiet your mind in the meditation space while listening to soft music, before and after your Reiki treatment from trained Reiki practitioners. You'll get the opportunity to receive up to 10 minutes of Reiki healing and experience this wonderful energy! Location: Danville Yoga & Wellness Center - Suggested Donation $10 & Up
Danville Yoga & Wellness Center Classes & Events Offering
Kundalini Yoga | Kids, Teens, Tweens, Family | Level 1-3 Iyengar Yoga | Gentle Yoga | Seniors Yoga | Gentle Yoga | Restorative Yoga | Intro to Yoga
July Upcoming Events & Workshops: Open House Art Exhibit featuring Michele Bachmeier (Free Admission) | Living Prosperously in 2012 with Drew Vogt
To see the full schedule, please visit: Danville Yoga & Wellness Center

In the shift of Human Consciousness, we often talk about 'letting go'.
But what does that really mean?
How do we truly let go?
In the work that I do, I often find there's a subtle inner programing that makes people want to avoid challenging and difficult circumstances. To me, truly 'letting go' is a continual process of confrontation of the moment and surrendering into what we really feel.
Acceptance and resistance
Another term that often gets used in spiritual circles is that of 'acceptance' - accepting totally without reservation. I agree with this whole-heartedly, but what actually IS appearing on your consciousness?
Some will say "if it doesn't feel right, then don't do it. If it doesn't flow, then it can't be coming from the soul. So just let go and do something else."
But sometimes to be in the flow is for nothing to be flowing at all.
It could be that resistance in the field is exactly what we need to discover a new surface of our own being.
Synchronicity and the natural pull of the soul
What I mean by this is that sometimes, synchronicity and the natural pull of the soul, doesn't take us into the 'good' places without first confronting the 'bad' - that which makes us tight and close down. Because it is only through this inner confrontation that we expand, evolve and grow.
I recently went through some personal challenges. And believe me, it was no picnic - but I knew that I was going through some kind of shift for me to grow and experience.
If you want to be courageous, pray for situations that require courage
If you want to be forgiving, pray for situations that cause you to forgive
If you want to be expanded and light, pray for situations that are dark and close down.
To be truly free, we must confront that which takes our freedom away,
for it is only us that truly determine how we experience life.
Profound self-honesty
For me, it was like a puzzle that I wanted to solve as quickly as possible. What I found was that there was a sense of relevance to what was going on within my soul.
There's a knowing of when we're truly aligned. And when we're in the flow of the 'relevance', then synchronicity just clicks into place, supporting our actions. But on the other hand, the flow will take us into the places where we get stressed out and we end up going to a place that don't feel so good.
It's all about profound self-honesty. When we're being truly honest with ourselves, we know what the soul is really inviting us to do and we know when we're in avoidance - our actions just don't feel right...even (and especially) if everything feels easy.
Having the courage to confront the moment as it truly is, to accept what is appearing on our energy field, then to go deeply into the feelings that arise.
These feelings may be very dense, dark and unpleasant. Nevertheless, to truly clear the energy and evolve past it, we must go into it, feel it again and liberate that aspect of our soul, which is identifying with it.
The remarkable lesson is that when we truly do this, it is not that hard to process the energy. And with this wholeness, there usually follows amazing expansions, infusions of healing energy, and the sense of enlightenment.
To me, this is what it truly means to let go.
May peace and joy be with you!
- Maria
"Kindness is more important than wisdom, and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom."
       - Theodore Isaac Rubin