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Meetup 10 June New Venue

From: JGolden
Sent on: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 6:25 AM
re start-a-food-business Meetup

To All Members --

a new member tried to join our Meetup yesterday with me and one member and it didnt work out because I didnt plan it well and he offers his place to Meetup and provide coffee, tea, sangria and bocaditas - great offer!
I realize we started in North Beach and that parking is difficult and yet I want to accept his offer and try it for 10 June.
So its at Pena pachamama on 1630 Powell (Union and Green) near 30 Stockton and 9x on Columbus. This is a Bolivian restaurant with their dishes and raw live organic food.
Our new member is founder of Sukay Quentin Navia

I will send out a Calendar

This is good because our Meetup is slowly dying on the vine

from J Golden

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