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New Meetup: Monetizing your food business ideas @ Blue Danube Café (inner Richmond)

From: Jack H.
Sent on: Sunday, August 23, 2009, 12:41 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Start a Food Business Meetup!

What: Monetizing your food business ideas @ Blue Danube Caf? (inner Richmond)

When: August 30,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

Blue Danube Caf?
306 Clement Street
San Francisco, CA 94118

Hello all, can?t wait to meet you all again.

Thank you for RATING US a 5 STAR MEETUP LAST MONTH. I guarantee this one would be as great as last one. This time, we will MONETIZE our food business idea?menu setting. MENU SETTING IS THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR ANY SUCCESSFUL FOOD BUSINESS. If you ever wonder why some restaurants with famous chef are still not doing excellent, this would be the reason. For those of you having a food business idea, and haven?t figured out how to make the nickel and dime from your food business idea. This is the meeting that you can?t miss.

Let?s get the feet wet. This meeting we will be taking notes and planning. For most of your with an idea to work on it, we will tell you where the nickel and dimes are for you. For those you whose food business is already forming, we will give you great idea to reference to, so you can check whether the menu you have on your hand is a good one and whether you would like to make any changes.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: your READINESS & Chance of Success!

At the same time, we will also discover about the inner Richard area, and their business scene. This area would be a GREAT EXAMPLE for STARTING A FOOD BUSINESS at this time. Since they are priced in the middle, but many of them has been the neighborhood for years. For a neighborhood located right in the middle of SF, how do they compete with all the competitions? This would be the perfect mode to reference in this economy.

8/30 Sun 4:00pm
Blue Danube Cafe
Neighborhood: Inner Richmond
306 Clement Street
(between 4th Ave & 5th Ave)
San Francisco, CA 94118
Phone: (415)[masked]
Meetup Fees: $10/member advanced payment, $12/member at door

Run down
4:00pm to 5:00pm Resources available for food business, and menu setting (2nd topic, if time permits)
5:00pm to 6:00pm Inner Richmond Food Business Tour--so dress warm
Prepare your own questions! I am also provide some free private consultation time, to every members attended. Do a Yelp review on North Beach cafe & restaurants.

Make your reservation & I will see you there.


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