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Hello, pls vote for our Sept meetup

From: Jack H.
Sent on: Sunday, September 6, 2009, 7:58 PM
Hello members,

Our July meetup was a blast. We got 5 stars average. That means we also got 5 stars from everyone who attended. The August was canceled because of my fault that I send out the information too late. QUite a few of the members who attended the July meetup emailed me saying they are not available for the time I chose, but would like to come if they got an earlier notice. So, now I set up 2 polls to ask for the best dates and topics for the Sept meetup.

Please spend a minute to vote for them.

Pls vote for the desired topics for Sept meetup

The best time and date for Sept meetup

After I hear from you, I will pick a topic and time for the meetup.


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