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By Invite only, LiveSharksTank® is sold out

From: Jose De D.
Sent on: Monday, January 14, 2019, 9:42 PM

Hello Members, By Invite only, LiveSharksTank® is sold out this month!

We hope that you can join us next month. Be on the lookout for the next episode of this amazing event. By invitation only!

In the meantime - set some daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual Goals, that when 2020 comes along and you are looking back over 2019 you can say: I gave it my best self No Excuses!

To that end we are nearing another episode of keep an eye out for this year’s winners.

Yes Yes so long as we humans are on this Earth we will continue to have Startup innovations. E.g. Telsa, Uber, Airbnb, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Apple, etc…
Since launching LiveSharksTank, Over 5 years ago, Startups have participated in over $288,000,000 Million in financial transactions after they gave their story on the stage.

Innovation is bountiful here! So you must be prepared to bring your A game. O.K. apply to showcase your Startup, demo it, pitch it, scale it, fund it and exit from it at

YES, $288,000,000 in financial transactions for startups after getting on the Stage. Are you next?

We're in SF so let's collaborate!


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