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New Meetup: A ride to Travelers Rest

From: David C.
Sent on: Saturday, March 20, 2010, 11:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Swamp R.O.M.P. (Swamp Rabbit Open Minded People)!

What: A ride to Travelers Rest

When: Sunday, March 28,[masked]:00 PM

Where: (A location has not been chosen yet.)

We'll do the same ride as last week, meet at the railroad car parking lot on Duncan Chapel Rd., at Furman's back gate. We'll gather there in the concrete circle, do a quick ride (1.2 miles) below Furman to get everyone acclimated, and then head for Travelers Rest. It's a nice easy ride for beginners, although padded shorts can benefit the rear ends! We take periodic breaks for water and to let folks catch up, and anyone who is speedy and wants to ride ahead and double back won't offend us. Bring your water bottles! It's a great ride, and we'd love for you to join us. Check the web site before you leave if the weather looks questionable, and we'll post any weather cancellations. Organizer David Crosby can be reached at[masked] if you have any trouble finding us. We'll meet at 3pm, and leave at 3:05, and the ride takes about 2 hours with stops. We take a break at either the Leopard Forest Cafe' or Williams Hardware Restaurant if everyone want to.

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