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Meeting Minutes from 13-May-2010

From: John L.
Sent on: Friday, May 14, 2010, 1:08 PM
Thanks to Jimmie and Ed for presenting last night.

Jimmie discussed Charlie-plexing and the details
of being a full-time hacker. Jimmie sells his
wares by the ounce and gram. He also discussed
how to roll the kits tight to reduce their
bulk ;)

Ed demonstrated his idea for configuring two
cameras and half-sphere mirrors to achieve a
wide field of view. The cameras are ~$35 and have
a USB output. The mirrors were made from
soup ladles purchased from Target. Although
Radio Shack is reducing their component selection
it seems that Target is not. You just need
to find the right aisle ;)

Also we discussed microcontrollers for hula hoops,
fire-fighting robots, and a trebuchet laser cut
from a sheet of plywood.

Here are some link to the things I discussed --

A description of Charlie-Plexing that I wrote up
a few weeks ago.

I gave away a couple of my PICO prototypes.
The datasheet and schematic should be up
in a few days. The datasheet link will be on the
webpage --

The bootloader information is at

(* jcl *)

Closed Tools + Open Files != Open Hardware
You can't create open hardware with closed EDA tools.

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