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Re: [The-Burlington-Writers-Group] Book Club

From: user 5.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 12, 2012, 3:38 PM
I was planning to attend but something has come up and I won't be able to join you. I've enjoyed reading The Boys of My Youth and I was looking forward to the discussion.Ms. Beard is a very talented writer with a remarkable voice and keen humor. Thank you for suggesting this book and thank you to for hosting the event. I'll try to attend the next meeting. Bill Munk

From: Jessica <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Tue, September 11,[masked]:27:26 PM
Subject: [The-Burlington-Writers-Group] Book Club

Hi gang,

Just wanted to send out a quick reminder about this week's Book Club meeting, featuring Jo Ann Beard's The Boys of My Youth.  My address again is 29 Lone Birch St., Colchester, VT.  If anyone is able to car pool, that would be great - our driveway is small.  But we'll work it out.  I know some of you RSVP'd for the original date.  If you don't mind just letting me know if you're able to come this Friday at 7pm, that would be great.  I'll have a sense of how much food to get.  Again, feel free to bring an app and your beverage of choice. 

Since this is a collection of essays, I thought we could focus part of the conversation on a close reading of "The Fourth State of Matter," since I think it's a beautiful example of what can be accomplished with the form.  If anyone would like to suggest a close reading of another essay in the collection, feel free to make it known!

Looking forward to it!


(267)[masked] - in case anyone needs it. 
Nonfiction editor
The Fiddleback
[address removed]

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