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BWW Update -- Please Read

From: Peter B.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 2:46 PM
Hi Writers,
Is anyone besides Niels posting for this week? I have it written down at home. If it's you, post now, before I have to get my list…
Forgive the long email, but there’s a lot of business to discuss.
(1)   How to comment on fellow members’ work.
(2)   One time donation
(3)   Request for feedback on BWW
(4)   Attached Call for Submissions
(1)    When you attend a meeting, we want you to comment on the work submitted for that week. It has come to my attention that almost half of you are providing no written comments at all. That’s pretty lousy. If you take space in this packed meeting, you are obligated to make good use of that space. That means, write thoughtful comments at the end of the piece of writing and turn it in! So let’s try something. For Wednesday’s meeting, I want you to type out your comments, if you can. Don’t let this requirement prevent you from coming to Wednesday’s meeting. Handwriting comments are fine, too. But challenge yourself to type them out this time. You’ll have better things to say. You’ll revise your thoughts. You’ll think even more deeply about what the writer has written!
(2)    I’m asking for $5 from every person who attends the next meeting. This is to start the BWW account that I’ll need to open for the Kickstarter campaign to fund the production of the anthology. This money will be earmarked for the dues, which I’ll have to pay at the end of the year. Five dollars is a suggestion—really, whatever works for your budget will be fine.
(3)    Please send me a note ([address removed]) and let me know two things: what the BWW is doing well, and what the BWW could improve upon. No need to make this a community discussion.
(4)    See the attached call for submissions for the BWW anthology.
Let me know if you have questions. Thanks, all. See you Wednesday.

This email message originally included an attachment.