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Great Discounts for upcoming Detox Program

From: Jillian L.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 18, 2014, 11:47 AM

Hi East Bay Raw Family.. as most of you may know Im the moderator of this meet up and I am a local Raw Vegan Chef who provides personal nutrition coaching, restaurant and retreat menu consultations, Conscious Cuisine events and gourmet Raw and Vegan Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Sugar Free boutique chef and catering services. I really get excited about showing people how they can have incredible health while eating sustainable and healthful food that tastes great. ( Yes, I promise it does taste great too ) I do have plans to offer some introductory Nutrition Optimization programs for our local community soon - but in the meanwhile I wanted to share about an opportunity to join an Award Winning detox immersion program that I will be cheffing and teaching at that just happens to be offering some incredible discounts this month.

Join me for the Award Winning Detox Immersion Program at the Raw Living Institute. If you register in June you can save $300 off full registration price, register in July, save $250, register with a friend and save $400 and use the code "97R579" for an additional $100 off.  So in total you can save up to $500 if you are ready to make this happen in June or July :)

Check out the details here:
Just take a minute to really ask yourself.. "What am I waiting for?"  It is never to late to transform your health and your body.

Feel free to message me privately if you would like to discuss more.

much love

Jillian Love


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