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New Meetup: July Archery Meetup #2 (UTC)

From: user 9.
Sent on: Tuesday, June 29, 2010, 4:30 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The San Diego Archery Meetup Group!

What: July Archery Meetup #2 (UTC)

When: Saturday, July 17,[masked]:00 AM

Price: $15.00 per person

Doyle Park Recreation Center
8175 Regents Rd
San Diego, CA 92122

Hey! Join us for our 2 hour July Archery Meet-Up! Whether you are a beginner or advanced shooter, Stefanie, our USA Archery Nationally Certified Instructor, will be there to set you up with our provided equipment, teach you the basics of the sport, and play a little friendly competition at the end!!! You are welcome to bring your own equipment! We provide all olympic recurve equipment! The cost is $15 per person.

Hope to see you there! If you do not have paypal but would like to attend this event, please email Stefanie at [address removed] to let us know you will pay at the event!

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