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iOS Contract Work

From: Evan J.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 6, 2011, 10:19 AM
Hello iOS meetup up members,

I am looking to hire a couple contract workers to develop an iPhone application. The contract would last about a month and could lead to a full-time job if the workload allowed. The current project we are working on requires the following features:
  • Facebook Connect login
  • The ability to generate and scan QR codes using either or Zebra Crossing
  • Utilize Bluetooth and the external accessory library to talk to an external device
We have a compressed timeline and would need to get the product launched after 30 days of initializing the project. Pay would account for this stressed deadline. Our office is located in lower Queen Anne. We are open to you working from home and/or working evenings.

If interested, please send a resume and/or link to your portfolio to [address removed].


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