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Reminder new off market deals posted in the discussion board and don't forget to RSVP for Oct 19th class

From: Barbara J.
Sent on: Friday, October 18, 2013, 11:53 AM

Greetings everyone, several off market deals were posted in the discussion board, keep them coming !Buyers make sure and check them out! Also we are one day away from the Oct 19th class, this is low cost an alternative way to educate members so they can create both short and long term cash flow.  With all of the changes in our financial sector this series of classes will focus on different Real Estate sectors - fix n flip - buy and hold - lease options - wholesaling - government backed loan programs - what title companies do for the buyer and the seller, how to spot hot trends, how to make money in a up and more importantly in the down market.  If you want to get started or improve what you are already doing then make sure you register for the Oct 19th class

P.S. Pre-register 35.00 or day of class 40.00 bring cash or
credit card accepted.

Best Regards,
Barbara Johnson
Geneva Real Estate & Investments

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