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Thank you for continued growth!

From: Richedcarl
Sent on: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 11:00 AM
Hello, fellow Manifesters of all things positive!

I just want to take a moment to thank each of you who has been attending the every Thursday night Law of Attraction meet-up. While not all of us (including myself!) have been able to make it each and every week, I do see that there is a dedicated core group who attend as often as possible. This is greatly appreciated! Also, we have been seeing more and more newcomers to the group trickle in lately and that is great!

A REQUEST, IF YOU PLEASE: If only as a courtesy to Bill who manages the Harry's Hofbrau restaurant where we meet, it would be helpful if each of you could RSVP each week. Bill calls me every Thursday morning and asks me how many will be attending. This number helps Bill decide if we should have the large private room or if he should move us to a side of the restaurant for our meeting. Since he does not charge us to use the space -- and as a group we spend hardly any money at the restaurant -- I want to be as courteous and responsive to Bill as possible. Further, getting a sense of how many are attending is helpful to me and Jodie as well. Knowing if there might be only 3 people or 14 people helps us plan the evening discussion in advance.

Again, MANY THANKS to each of you for your on-going enthusiasm for this Meet-up!
All best,

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