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A reminder of two upcoming events

From: Maggy F.
Sent on: Sunday, November 10, 2013, 5:32 PM


  Just a reminder of two events coming up the week after next. First is Sweet Nothings on Wed 20th Nov in which four young people risk everything in a tragic game of love, lust and adultery.

  The second is Apples and Pears on Thurs 21st Nov. a black comedy thriller which explores the edges of friendship love,  family and betrayal as two crooks meet up after a lifetime of fear and bitterness.

   Both these shows have been getting great reviews so I suggest you book your discount tickets soon to ensure you get a seat. Apples and Pears has been sold out and as the 505 theatre is very small (30 max)  I couldn't gurarantee seats will be available nearer the time.

  All the details of how to book, time, location etc are on the home page. Any questions send me a message or text me on[masked].

Hope to see you there
