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Winter time:)

From: Tom
Sent on: Wednesday, July 15, 2015, 7:40 PM

To all Trailers and Alers,
Now that most of the snow has melted and passes and peaks are opening up, it is time to start thinking about............SKI season:)
I have a room to rent for the winter season that includes your own bathroom, full use of the common areas and close to the Summit Stage free bus.
It is located in the WilderNest Area up behind Silverthorne and easy to access Dillon, Frisco or most areas from here. The Hot Sulpher Springs are north a little less than an hour.
This is ideal for someone who wants a clean dependable and regular place to escape Denver starting in November through winter. This could also hold promise for a responsible full time condo mate up here.
The ideal condo mate is respectful of my space and things (minimal) as I am of theirs and has fun outdoor activities to share over a brew once and a while.
Let me know about what you are looking for and a little about yourself and possibly a time to connect over the phone or in person up here in Summit County.
Tom K

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