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Tickets for our next event: Jon Fisher, Head of UX at Nomensa

From: Mariana M.
Sent on: Friday, June 19, 2015, 10:01 PM

Hi everyone,

Tickets for our next event are now available! Sign up now.

Jon Fisher, Head of UX at Nomensa, on "Errors, experience and structure" 
9th July
at 7.30pm
At the Old Fire Station

We use the word experience throughout our design efforts and yet frequently focus upon the positive, emotive elements of this word. “What does it feel like?” “How does it make us feel?” This talk will challenge the listener to start from a different place. To begin with considering experience from a human error perspective and the root causes of these. It will aim to challenge the listener into questioning the targeting of UX research efforts and ultimately argue that it is structure that plays the greatest role in the mitigation of errors. Only from an error-free position can we begin to build those truly great experiences we strive for as designers.

About Jon
Jon Fisher is Head of UX at Nomensa, a UX design agency in Bristol. He is a UX professional with 12 years experience in web, software and product design. Passionate about problem solving and design thinking.


Lightning talk:
We'll also have a 5-min talk before the keynote:

Oli Ward on “Innovation in Print”
Oli is a digital trainer, development training company founder (, ex-agency Technical Director and LAMP developer.


We're looking forward to seeing you there (it's been over a month, we miss you!)

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