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MidWest UX 2017 coming to Cincinnati!

From: Darren K.
Sent on: Thursday, November 10, 2016, 11:34 AM

Hello UXDTN, we've got great news from our friends at the User Enjoyment meetup, Cincinnati has been chosen as the host city for the next Midwest UX (MWUX) conference! It's a great conference and will be right here in our backyard. There are a limited number of discount tickets available right now, so you should think about buying one to save money. And there are lots of ways to get involved and connect with the UX community by volunteering to help plan and execute the conference. I've spoken at two MWUX conferences and attended even more. Of all the UX conferences I attend I like this one for it's eclectic and cross-disciplinary talks. It is truly different than any other UX conference you will attend. --Darren

Here's a note with details from Sam Borstadt at the User Enjoyment meetup.

Hello everyone!

We've been quite busy lately and have some very exciting news to show for it:

1. Cincinnati has been chosen to host the 2017 Midwest UX conference!

2. A limited number of discounted early-bird tickets are now on sale!

For those of you who haven't attended Midwest UX before, it's a 3-day event that features workshops, keynotes, long-form sessions, city excursions, networking events, and more. It’s expected to draw 550 total attendees, speakers, and volunteers. This will be the 7th year of the conference, and will be held in Memorial Hall in OTR, with workshops held at Cintrifuse and a few other locations.

One of the best things about Midwest UX is that it's a non-profit, community run conference. The Cincinnati event is being organized by an all-volunteer committee, made up of professionals from the local design, tech, and user experience communities, including both organizers of the User Enjoyment meetup.

There will be lots of opportunities for volunteers, so if you're interested in getting involved, shoot us an email at [address removed]

Also, check out our awesome announcement video by the Cincinnati power duo at Edelmade