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Don't Miss the Touch Screen Usability Meetup!

From: Kathryn C.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 31, 2010, 2:03 PM
Dear Usability Professionals of LA:

When we recently conducted a survey of member interests, the most-requested topic was touch screen usability. So, we arranged to have that be the topic of our next Meetup! Luckily for us, the fine folks over at Yahoo! have agreed to support us by providing both a meeting place and food for the evening. Please sign up in advance so that we can prepare appropriately.

Our panelists will be sharing their real-world experiences and special usability considerations when designing for touch screen smart phones, iPads and multi-touch kiosks. The evening promises to be both fun and informative.

Key Info

Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Time: 6:45 for food and networking; 7:15 for meeting

Place: Yahoo! Inc, 2450 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404 (more detailed parking suggestions will be posted to the Meetup site when available)

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