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What's going on with UA?

From: UrbanAdventures
Sent on: Monday, February 1, 2010, 1:42 PM
UA's been a little quiet lately and we thought we'd send you all a little email just to let you know that every thing's cool over here in UA land.

We are not thinking of closing the group. We are not losing interest in organizing and posting fun, exciting events and we are especially not done meeting more cool, interesting people like yourselves. We have all simply been in a sort of hiatus if you will. Some of your organizers are still, slowly getting back to normal from the holiday haze, and some are simply busy with life (moving, new jobs, etc...).

Last year was an absolute blast full of hikes, bike rides, bungee jumps, camping, river rafting, pub crawls, photography, beach BBQ's, abandoned building explorations, general debauchery and more importantly we met a lot of cool new friends who became more than just meetup/internet friends, but friends in real life as well. We hope to fill this year with more of that and then some!

If you're new, keep your eyes on the calendar and your finger on the RSVP button. Those who have been around a while can tell you that our events fill up fast.

If you've been with us for a bit, thank you so much for continuing to support our events and we hope to see you again on one of our adventures soon.

Big thanks to Jayne for continuing to post events during this "slow period" which has helped keep the calendar from looking like a total ghost town.

Here are a couple of events, currently on our calendar that we hope you guys can attend.

Feb 13th - Lake Morena Funny Valentine Cabin Camp Out

Feb 20th - Fish tacos, Griffith Observatory, Bigfoot Lounge

Feb 27th - UA's 3rd Anniversary Kickball BBQ
Event to be posted soon.

If you have any cool ideas for an event, or if you want to host/lead an event, please, please do not hesitate to email one of the organizers and let us know. We are always looking for more ideas, and leadership help.

Hope to see you all soon.

Urban Adventures
"Purveyors of Adventure"

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