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New Meetup: Seeing Stars (not them Hollywood types)

From: Howard
Sent on: Friday, January 29, 2010, 9:12 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Urban Adventures!

What: Seeing Stars (not them Hollywood types)

When: Saturday, February 20,[masked]:30 PM

Griffith Observatory
Griffith Park
Los Angeles, CA 90001

We're gonna grab some tacos, first, at 5:30pm at the Best Fish Taco in Ensenada, just down the street from the Observatory, 1650 Hillhurst in Los Feliz.

We'll drive up to the Observatory, but it might be crowded up there, so we can carpool. Admission is free to get into the Observatory. The local astronomy clubs will have a bunch of personal telescopes out on the lawn we can look through as well.

To wind down the evening, we'll head back down the hill to the Bigfoot Lounge (3172 Los Feliz blvd).

Learn more here: