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What we’re about

This meetup group is a discussion group for all creative people (not just artists by profession) who wish to have: supportive, encouraging & inspiring conversations with like-minded people.

It is based on Julia Cameron's fabulous book called The Artist Way.
We meet once per month and discuss subjects that are in the book.

Apart from our monthly circle, I also host other events on personal discovery, spirituality and psychology.

Is this meetup just for artists? NO!!!
Seth Godin says that an artist is anyone who doesn't follow the instructions. So no matter whether you work as a nurse, a pilot, a shop assistant, or a vet - it doesn't matter.
If you need more creativity in your life and find people with similar interests, then this group might be for you.

If you've completed or just started working on The Artist's Way book,
please do come and join us.


SPECIAL NOTE: This is NOT a therapy group. If you struggle with mental health or trauma, please do seek professional help.

Upcoming events (4+)

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