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What we’re about

Let's explore together!
Join Pranic Healing Vancouver as we host a variety of events from group meditations, drop-in energy healing clinics, free information sessions and classes to support you in your mental, emotional, physical, and financial health. Keep an eye out for Full Moon Meditations, Introductions, Classes and special events or jump in and join us for our more frequent group meditations and drop-in energy healing clinics (by donation).

At Clinics, we will be facilitating the popular Meditation on Twin Hearts, a safe, fully guided, and self-healing technique that encourages deep relaxation and peace, reduces stress and anxiety, and increases mental and emotional clarity; so easy and simple, that anyone can do it! In every Twin Hearts Meditation, there is a blessing for the earth, family, friends, loved ones, and even pets. All levels welcome, come and learn to meditate!

After the Meditation, you will have the opportunity to receive a Pranic Healing session! Pranic Healing is a gentle, no touch, and powerful form of energy healing that uses Prana or Chi to balance, harmonize, and transform the body’s energetic, emotional, and physical processes. Prana is the life force energy that is essential for the human body to survive. Pranic Healing is based on the principle that by applying this energy or Prana in specific ways, the natural healing process of the body is accelerated. Come by and experience it yourself!

These events are run by volunteers; donations are gratefully accepted to help support future events. For questions on this event and other events like it contact

Benefits of Pranic Healing: 
• Physical Health – Easy step by step protocols to heal anything from simple ailments like a common cough or cold to severe illnesses like asthma, diabetes, and more. 
• Emotional Health – Simple and practical ways to reduce stress and increase vitality. Effective tools are available for relationship healing and psychological ailments. 
• Spiritual Development – Experience inner peace, stillness, and Divine union through Meditation on Twin Hearts and other advanced spiritual techniques. 
• Financial Well-Being – The system of Pranic Healing teaches you practical techniques to fill your life with Abundance and Prosperity.