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New Meetup: VegCF Vegan Communitea Potluck

From: steve e
Sent on: Tuesday, July 20, 2010, 1:14 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vegetarians of Central Florida!

What: VegCF Vegan Communitea Potluck

When: Monday, August 2,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Dandelion CommuniTea Cafe
618 N Thornton Ave
Orlando, FL 32803

Please join us the first Monday of every month for a Communitea-Style Potluck!

Who?s Invited? Everyone! This is a GREAT way to introduce your veg-curious friends to the delights of homemade veggie cuisine.

How it works: Bring a covered vegan dish to Dandelion.

Cost: FREE if you bring a dish, AND you'll receive a voucher for a free tea, OR $10 if not bringing a dish.

Where: Dandelion Communitea Cafe, use of entire cafe inside & out (cafe will close its kitchen, but still offer beverages for sale).

Why: Promote Community, Peaceful Eating & a Local Cause while offering a low-cost way for folks to enjoy nutritious & delicious meals in this challenging economy.

*Vegan = ABSOLUTELY NO FISH, FOWL, MEAT, EGGS, DAIRY or Other Animal By-Products

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