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New Meetup: Valentine's Dinner Party!

From: Larry R.
Sent on: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 8:36 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vegetarians of Central Florida!

What: Valentine's Dinner Party!

When: February 14,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $20.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Let's celebrate Valentine's Day with our friends Chef Olive and the people from Central Florida Raw Food Connection! Join us for a wonderful vegan raw food dinner prepared by Chef Olive. Here is the menu:

Raw and Romantic

*Chef Olive's Special Red Whine started with a sun steeping of Life Everlasting Flowers (will be supplied the duration of the time)

*Mixed Green Pear Salad w/dried cranberry and sweet spiced pecans tossed in a light vinaigrette dressing

*Rosemary Alfredo Zucchini Noodles topped w/slightly dried tomato pieces, olives and a pine nut parm.

*Chocolate Brownies w/ Nana's Ice Cream and Berry Romantic Topping

After dinner there will be a party with live music. More details to follow.

Learn more here:

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