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New Meetup: Docent Tour of California History at Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland

From: Kathleen J.
Sent on: Monday, September 28, 2009, 2:35 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Walking thru the Valley of Heart's Delight & Hiking Around!

What: Docent Tour of California History at Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland

When: October 24,[masked]:00 AM

Mountain View Cemetery
5000 Piedmont Ave
Oakland, CA 94611

The Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland holds the mortal remains of many of California?s most famous early citizens. It?s a huge place on a hillside, so a walk here promises good exercise. Great views of cities and mountains. We?ll have about a two-hour docent-led tour led by Mike Foster and Stafford Buckley. Come see the original Blair's Park and meet Walter Blair who rowed across the Bay to buy 600 acres of Piedmont. Meet Piedmont's "Lady Doctor," the Requas of "The Highlands," Tribune publisher J.R. Knowland and his son "the Senator from Formosa," along with a host of other early denizens of the Hill City.

It?s a beautiful place to stay for a picnic afterwards, or tour Chapel of the Chimes across the street, a beautiful spot in large part designed by Julia Morganstern. And while you?re up that way, there are plenty of East Bay parks in the area for further hiking. [I will be going on to Sacramento right after the picnic, so that would be self-sponsored.]

Click here for the cemetery's history, directions, etc.

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