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Dear ESL Member! This is Al. RE: Our Dear Friend, Yukiko

From: UNCLE A.
Sent on: Monday, March 10, 2008, 7:32 PM
RE: Our Dear Friend, Yukiko

Dear ESL Member,

It is with extreme sadness that I have to announce to you that our dear ESL member, Yukiko, is hospitalized in Manhattan, NYC. This year, she made it only to two meetups at Citigroup Center.

Today is Yukiko's birthday, but she spends it paralysed on a hospital bed. Both of her legs do not respond. Not due to an accident, but a form of bone cancer is gradually taking the best of her health. Her brother went back to Japan after donating some of his bone marrow cell samples that may prove to match his sister's. Siblings are the best, however other volunteer donors may be tested as substitutes.

I think that that Yukiko gets tired very quick even while talking. She is being watched and taken care by her mother and the medical staff. I am a witness of their complete dedication to the patient.

If you want to briefly visit Yukiko, after discussing with Yukiko and her mother, I will provide you the necessary information on how to contact them.

Kindly email me or call me @ (917)[masked].

Best regards,

