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Venue for October Meetup

From: Josh N.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 16, 2012, 3:42 PM

Hello social animals!

Please note that the venue will remain the same for October's meetup (The Viscount Gort).

As discussed at the September meetup, I did explore the possibility of holding future meetups at the Holiday Inn on Pembina. I met with the restaurant manager this week, but after exploring their offering I didn't feel it was going to work out well for our group.

However, I did also meet with the folks at the Viscount Gort Restaurant to discuss the challenges we've been having with space and table arrangements and they are going to try to better accommodate us for this meeting. We'll have to see how this works out for the October meeting. So c'mon out, 'cause I'll sure feel silly if we have 6 people show up after all that. ;)

Hope to see you there!

