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Here's why you should learn to play your 'ukulele in Hawai'i

From: Elaine d.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 7, 2015, 11:42 AM

And it's not the reason you think!

You may have been expecting a discourse on the 'ukulele's Hawaiian origins, but you'd have been wrong.  Of course, most people do associate the 'ukulele with Hawai'i, and justifiably so. For it was the Hawaiians who so lovingly adopted the instrument brought to their shores about 130 years ago by Portuguese immigrants who came to work in the sugar cane fields and kept it alive all these years. And who can forget the iconic images of Israel Kamakawiwoʻole, or "Iz," a giant of a man, coaxing such lovely tunes out of his relatively tiny 'ukulele?

But that's not why you should go to Hawai'i to learn to play your 'ukulele or to get further instruction. You should go for the immersion. For the camaraderie. As a gift to yourself.  To lose yourself for 5 magical days into the wonderful sensation of making music with others in one of the most beautiful places in the world.

260218_[masked]_[masked]_nThere is nothing quite like an immersion experience to get your head wrapped around anything.  Sure, you might take weekly music lessons, attend every ukulele workshop that comes your way, join your pals for a weekly or monthly sing-along, and have a rollicking good (but short) time at an 'ukulele festival.  But then, life gets in the way.  You forget some of the little tips you learned. You don't have time to practice. And the pals you play and sing with just aren't available when you'd like them to be.
But come to the Hawai'i Island 'Ukulele Retreat and you'll find yourself walking out of a workshop with a little time on your hands and the opportunity to sit and practice what you just learned. And if there's something you forgot or need help with, other students and the instructor are right there, at the ready.  You don't have to stop to make dinner or clean the house or go to work or pick up the kids from school or take the dog for a walk or do anything at all! There really is no better way to get your head (and hands) wrapped around those 4 strings than to attend the  retreat and immerse yourself in learning, practicing, and playing.

379638_[masked]_[masked]_nBut learning new skills and techniques is not the only reason you should come to Hawai'i to play your 'ukulele.  It's also the new friends you'll make with people from all walks of life and from all over the country (and beyond), people who will become near and dear to you over the course of five days. And then there's all the health benefits born from the lovely camaraderie that evolves through a shared experience. And what can be more invigorating and relaxing, than making music with your friends? Whether you come by yourself or with friends or loved ones, you will leave with your heart full.

hawaii-hula-wahine-ukulele1Immersion?  Camaraderie? Sure. But why Hawai'i? Because it is Hawai'i, and there is no other place like it on the planet. There's a reason the Hawaiian Islands are often called "paradise." Sugar-sand beaches to walk along while dolphins spin out of the water offshore. Crystal clear water to swim in, along with beautiful tropical fish and the occasional curious sea turtle or honu. Trade winds to gently blow your cares away and palm trees to settle under and relax. Tropical plants and flowers that help awaken all the senses, waterfalls to refresh your soul, and volcanoes to remind you that the planet is alive. And music, music, music everywhere you turn. And people who live aloha.

So why should you learn to play your 'ukulele in Hawai'i?  Because at the Hawai'i Island 'Ukulele Retreat, it's all about you!  Choose to give this gift to yourself. You deserve it.

Registration for the 2015 Hawai'i Island Ukulele Retreat is open, and we'd love to have you join us.


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