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What we’re about

Meet people looking for interesting and diverse experiences while seeking out fascinating food -- over dinner, at lunch, even on walks through New York neighborhoods.Everyone with interest and enthusiasm is welcome: Our members come from a wide variety of backgrounds, and good conversation is as enjoyable a part of our get-togethers as good food.We've explored diverse cuisines including Malaysian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Indonesian, Burmese, Nepali, Afghan, Haitian, Jamaican, Mexican, French, Romanian, Czechoslovakian, Uzbek, Georgian, and Azerbaijani, and we're hungry for more -- there's so much to choose from in New York!

In this group we have zero tolerance for NO-SHOWs. If you aren't coming, please update your RSVP. If you are delayed, put a note on the Meetup event or contact the host. If you are a NO-SHOW, you will be removed from this group.