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DOGON LIGHTS & ABU GARY - Friday, March 23 - 9:00 pm - ASHKENAZ

From: user 4.
Sent on: Thursday, March 22, 2012, 3:01 AM

Do'gon Lights features Bongo Sidibe of Guinea and members of the award winning band Hamsa Lila (Vir McCoy, Evan Fraser, and special guest vocalists). This ceremonial groove band features traditional acoustic instruments like the sintir and guimbri from Morocco, kamale ngoni, calabasse, and djembe from West Africa, bass, sax, guitar, flute, keys, and inspired traditional vocals. Special guest is Stephen Kent on didgeridoo.

Stephen Kent is a world didgeridoo master and DJ on the KPFK World Music Hour. He will be performing his own set as well.

The World Blues Band features original songs written by Abu Djigo, Gary Nelson, and Deborah Barer. This exciting group uses acoustic West African instruments, guitars, bass, and soulful vocals. WBB will be presenting beautiful tunes that will be featured on their upcoming debut cd WORLD BLUES, recorded in Guediawaye, Senegal.

Abu Djigo (Senegal) - nylon string guitar
Gary Nelson (Bass Culture) - steel string guitar, bass, vocals
NezB (Trinidad, Bass Culture) - lead vocals, percussion
Mamadou Sidibe (Mali) - kamale ngoni
Karamo Cissokho (Senegal) - kora
Samba Guisse (Senegal) - talking drum, calabasse, djembe, vocals
Waahid (Bass Culture) - congas, percussion, vocals
Taiye Ray Robinson - special guest rapper from the WORLD BLUES cd

$13 at the door, $10 students or in advance

Ashkenaz 1317 San Pablo Ave. (at Gilman), Berkeley, CA 94702

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