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Re: Music from Armenia @ St Ethelburga's Apr 30th

From: Wallee Mc D.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 27, 2010, 11:35 PM
Rescheduled from April 16th to April 30th.
We are delighted we were able to organise a new date quickly
Our next concert at St Ethelburga's April 30th


Music of Armenian & St Ethelburga's presents


THE VOICE OF DUDUK - celebrating the music and culture of Armenia Apr 30th


Tigran Aleksanyan:
Master of Armenia 's exquisitely soft-toned reed instrument, the duduk.
Born in the Ararat Mountains , aged seventeen Tigran joined the Armenian State Dance Ensemble. Tigran moved to Britain in 2001, working with Andrew Cronshaw, Yasmin Levy and La Banda Europa.
 Andrew Cronshaw:
British multi-instrumental explorer, producer, world
music journalist. Makes music combining perspectives from English, Scottish Gaelic, Finno-Ugrian, Iberian, Middle Eastern, Polish, Serbian, Armenian and other traditions.
Most recent CD, 'Ochre' - viewing English folk song melodies through traditions of Arabic and Greek musicians - one of only 2 ever nominated for both BBC Radio 3 Awards for World Music and BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards.




Cevanne embraces art in its many forms - composition, song, dance, scholarship and the Celtic harp. A grandchild of Armenian refugees and Lancashire coal workers growing up on Benjamin Britten���s doorstep might be expected to learn an unusual musical language. Highlights have involved her work with Alex Wilson, Zoe Rahman, and the London Mozart Players. This year, she will write for the London Symphony Orchestra
and produce her debut album "Big Ears" with Kuljit Bhamra MBE.


Doors open: 6:45pm - Music: 7:30pm

Adm: ��10 advance - ��12 on door

Tel:[masked] ���

E.Mail: [address removed]

St Ethelburga's Centre

78 Bishopsgate





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