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What we’re about

Hello all! Welcome to my new group for travel addicts! :)
This new group will be mainly for the socialising trips that I enjoy organising outside of England, trips that are designed for travel lovers who like to have fun and leave all the burdens of the organisation in my experienced hands.

please follow me on insta if you would like to know more about me and my hikers: My personal one is jonathanhenrotay and the one I have just created is jontrails. You can also check out my website

There will be a mixture of historical visits, staring at wonders of Mama nature, wildlife visits, hikes, sometimes rafting, sometimes horse-riding, drinking, music events and gastronomy with the most wonderful people that you will ever meet, also called Jonions, yes they look like it too, you can recognise them from afar with their beautiful smiles until they have climbed a hill and are out of breath on the floor! Jokes aside, my trips are made for you to relax in a beautiful environment surrounded by laughers, fresh air and a bit of sweat, not too much, I am a bit of a lazy guide and I truly believe that taking in the surroundings without hurting yourself too much is the most important, so if you are looking for a hardcore run up ten hills guy, that isn't me! Nevertheless, I am a hiking leader too so if you are not ready to walk around for visits, this group might not be what you are looking for.

There will be some hiking though, if we do hike, my average trips are usually around 10 miles/15km, and of average difficulty to no difficulty at all, I do not rush but if there is any part that might be more difficult I will let you know in advance (please read the descriptions) and you are welcome to have a few hours of freedom if you wish to relax by the pool or visit a trendy museum.

As my Jonions know by travelling with me in the UK and abroad, I am here to have a good time and to show you all the greatest emotions, as this is a social group, we will socialise, I like to ensure that everyone feels comfortable, many lonely souls have found a family and Mama Jon is here for you so enjoy as much as you can and for this, remember that mutual RESPECT is the key, I will take no discrimination of any kind, I understand humour though so don't worry, be yourself, make your jokes as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, I am known to be nice (after coffee and when I am not Hangry) relaxed and open to suggestions but when it comes to our lovely travellers wellbeing, I won't accept any derogatory comments or behaviour so please, be kind, be nice and let's enjoy those trips stress free in a joyful environment. We have people from all over the world(I am Belgian), creed, colours, gay(Me, me, me, but this is just a small part of who I am), straight, bi, transgender, Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Agnostic( me too) Atheists, we have people who vote right, left, with both hands, we have people with disabilities and illnesses, 18 years old or 70 years old(I am getting there...), all you have to remember is that we are all humans, all different and all the same and if you understand that, come and join our family, you will have the time of your life!

Now a bit of useful information, I will take care of everything from booking the hotels, the transports in the country, the activities, visits, breakfasts are usually included and I will take you to some tasty places for lunch or diner (I don't include those in the price), I always recon the routes so wherever I take you, I would have been before
as I am pretty well travelled unless you need me to organise a new trip for you and your friends, then I might have to hire a local guide and become your private guide.
(Those private trips will be rare but if you wish to, pm me and I can arrange your holidays for you). I am not a big fan of hostels as after a day out in another country we all need a bit of privacy so we will usually stay in hotels, you can share a room if you wish. All you need to take care of, are usually booking your flight(I will give you the information) as you need private information that I do not have, please do not give it to anyone, as well as your visas, but for this I am happy to help you with the process and guide you to the right website and the documentation that you need. VISAS MUST BE BOOKED LONG IN ADVANCE. I also recommend a travel insurance, usually around £25 as refunds are not possible 14 days before departures as I will have paid the hotel,...
Please be aware that if you wish to join these trips, I prefer to know you before so please join one of my hiking days out first so that you can ask me as many questions as you can and see if you feel comfortable within our little family, you won't need to pay the fee, just pay for your transport.
SO! Just a quick recap, you can call me Mama Jon if you wish, most people just call me Jon, some your majesty. You are going to have a great time with us, so join, come on a trip if you don't want to travel alone and if you wish to have a wonderful time in the Grand Bazar in Istanbul, the Agafay and Sahara deserts in Morrocco, under the arches of the colosseum or walking the beaches, swim in the waterfalls of the Croatian riviera.

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