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What we’re about

This is the Meetup site for the Brighton-based local group of Action for Happiness ( - a global movement of people taking action to create a happier society. For for more details about the Brighton group see
Our events include monthly meetings (talks or workshops) and a monthly Happy Cafe.
You can drop in to most of our events.

We all want to live happy and fulfilling lives and we want the people we love to be happy too. So happiness matters to all of us.
Happiness is about our lives as a whole: it includes the fluctuating feelings we experience everyday but also our overall satisfaction with life. It is influenced by our genes, upbringing and our external circumstances - such as our health, our work and our financial situation. But crucially it is also heavily influenced by our choices - our inner attitudes, how we approach our relationships, our personal values and our sense of purpose.
Action for Happiness works to support evidence based practices and theories that support well being. Local group website: (or just !).

Check out the national site for resources, FAQs and much more.

Upcoming events (2)

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