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What we’re about

Join Costa as he offers a new way of looking at the world through the lens of the Gene Keys - a codebook describing all human states of consciousness, from the deepest fear-based patterns to the most awe-inspiring possibilities in our DNA. Using elements of our country of birth, the historical era we were born into, astrological data, depth psychology and archetypes, epigenetics, the I Ching, and the sacred codes within us all the Gene Keys sole purpose is to activate your higher purpose and embrace your own Divinity.

Each of us has a unique Hologenetic Profile calculated by the time, date and place of your birth which highlights specific Gene Keys that have a powerful bearing on our purpose, our relationships and prosperity. Your own Profile is the birth point of your personal voyage through the Gene Keys teachings. By learning the meaning of your own unique combination of Gene Keys you can unlock the full potential in your DNA and even rewire the negative imprint that is holding you back.

Download your profile at prior to the event. One to three lucky attendees will be randomly selected to receive a free reading live from Costa. Watch and listen as Costa reveals the depth in the Gene Keys to activate your own higher purpose and discover how to read your own Hologentic profile.

During the reading Costa will share insights and perspective on various aspects of your chart, as they relate to real life questions and challenges you are currently facing in your life. Whether you are a newcomer to the Gene Keys or a long time voyager, this is a unique opportunity to dive into your profile and live out your Genius.

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