What we’re about
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” - Robert Frost
Welcome to the Active Living Club. We strive for Fun, Fitness, and Friendships!
Building Community Outdoors
The outdoors can feel far away when you live in a city, but it doesn't have to. There are adventures waiting just around the corner.
The Active Living Club is creating a community of people with a passion to get outdoors, explore, learn and have fun together. Our philosophy is simple; to disconnect from city life, for a few hours, and get outside. We provide events to get you to discover new places, build skills and meet like-minded people.
The Active Living Club encourages you to try something new, expand your comfort zone and/or engage in something you already love. We welcome people of all ages, fitness levels and experiences. We will be discovering, exploring, walking, hiking, kayaking, canoeing and climbing through the parks, river valley and ravines of Edmonton and surrounding areas. We are creating a community of active enthusiasts who are curious to explore and thankful for the natural world that exists around them. Come with us and share your passion for nature.
We also feature a variety of not-so-active events, including movies, live performances, social gatherings, dinners, crafting, etc.
These events are a great way to get out, meet people, get some fresh air, explore new places and create adventures together! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to contact the Organizer or post them under “Discussions”.
Most of the activities are pretty tame, but any participation in this Club is at your own risk. If you want to meet fun and adventurous people, this Club is for you. Come join us. It will be an adventure you won’t soon forget. SayYES to adventure!
We have launched a C.H.A.L.L.E.N.G.E. !!
Once a milestone has been reached, Active Living Club members will earn a special title in their profile. Each title name represents the letters of the words “A Challenge”:
- The Ambler (1-9 events)
- The Champion (10+ events)
- The Heroic (20+ events)
- The Adventurer (30+ events)
- The Legendary (40+ events)
- The Legacy (50+ events)
- The Enthusiast (60+ events)
- The Naturalist (70+ events)
- The Glorious (80+ events)
- The Explorer (90+ events)
When 100+ events have been reached, members receive a free Lifetime membership!!
Get Involved:
We need Event Organizers and Hosts! If you don't see an event set up yet for your preferred activity, please volunteer by contacting the Organizer! You might be surprised just how many people are looking to do the same activity that you are. Why not become an Event Host or a Co-Host with another person?
Monthly Photo Contest:
You are encouraged to post your favourite photos taken at any event. At the end of each month, we will pick the top photo which will then be used on the front page and as the main feature picture for the following month. The winner will receive bragging rights!
Your Profile:
Photos are how we keep our memories alive of past adventures we have done together. By joining this Club, you agree that your picture may be taken and shared within this Club. When you join, for safety reasons, you also agree to display a recognizable picture of yourself in your profile and use at least your first name.
Club Membership Fees:
To check us out, there is a drop-in fee of $2 per event per person. For unlimited events, an annual membership is $30 and expires one year from payment date. Payments are made at events in cash or by e-transfer to activelivingclub2@gmail.com.
Inactive Accounts:
If your last online visit to our website was made over 6 months ago, your account will be deemed inactive and will automatically be removed. If this happens, feel free to rejoin when you plan to be active again!
Event Organizers do not have to pay, however, they are expected to host and attend an event at least 5 times in the last 12 months to retain their status. Organizers may choose to ask for donations to create a special fundraiser.
This Club is made possible by Event Organizers who donate their own time and energy. Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you!
Any donations for the Club allows us to continue to provide great activities! Thank you for your support!
See you on our next adventure!
Doris L. 😀
P.S.: Tell a friend about this Club! Guests are also welcome!
###### Land Acknowledgement
In the spirit of reconciliation, we acknowledge that we are on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. We acknowledge all the many First Nations, Métis, and Inuit whose footsteps have marked these lands for centuries.
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Hike and IMAX Film: Butterfly Journey in 3DGovernment House Park Parking Lot, Edmonton, AB
Join us for a leisurely 7-8 km hike return to see the 6:00 pm IMAX film presentation of the Butterfly Journey at the Telus World of Science Centre.
For more information and tickets >>>
Beautiful, delicate yet unbelievably resilient, the butterfly is one of nature's most enigmatic creatures. A story of adaptation and survival, we follow the vast migrations of the Blue Tigers of Australia and the Monarchs of North
America and (more)Chose a seat wherever you want. We are in Row G. We can chat again afterwards.
To check out our events, the drop-in fee is $2 per event per person. Guests are always welcome. Annual Active Living Club members can attend unlimited events. Ask about our milestone challenge and the free Lifetime Membership option. Event Organizers are very much appreciated and also do not have to pay. Payments can be made in cash at events or by etransfer to activelivingclub2@gmail.com. Thank you! 😊See you soon! 😊
- PJ Party and IMAX Movie: The Wild RobotTelus World of Science, Edmonton, AB
Join us to enjoy a PJ Party with friends and experience The Wild Robot in IMAX. This visually stunning and emotionally powerful film has three 2025 Academy Award® nominations, including Best Animated Feature Film!
Link for details and buy tickets >>>
The show starts at 9:00 am so let’s gather around 8:30-ish in the lobby for a meet and greet. By a show of hands, we can go have brunch nearby after the show (location to be determined).
Get your tickets early as they might be going fast! Feel free to choose a seat wherever you prefer in the theatre. We can chat again after the movie.
Reminder: The drop-in fee is $2 per event per person. Guests are welcome. Annual Active Living Club members can attend unlimited events. Ask about our milestone challenge and the free Lifetime Membership option. Payments can be made at events or by etransfer to activelivingclub2@gmail.com. Thank you!
We are looking forward to it!! 😀