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What we’re about

Calling all brave adventurers! We are a group of gamers who enjoy playing tabletop RPGs, board games, and gaming online. Every fortnight, we host Friday Night D&D - an organised play format of Dungeons & Dragons where players can join in stand-alone adventures.

Members also run numerous ongoing campaigns in various different systems, and there's always players looking for more games, so if you're a DM/GM looking for a group, just message Alain so he can make you an event organiser. You can also join our Discord Server.

Adventurers Guild doesn't have scheduled membership fees, and members can bring guests along to meetups if they like. All we ask in return is a contribution to most in-person events to help cover the costs of the venue and Meetup website fees (see individual events for costs).

No matter if you're a seasoned d20 dice roller, haven't played in years, or have only heard about D&D and always wanted to give it a try, jump in and join a game session!