What we’re about
Are you new to Oregon and would like to meet new people and new friends? Have you lived in Oregon but never indulged in our awesome natural playgrounds? Want to try new adventurous activities? Then this is the group for you!
Most of our adventures are within an hour or two of Corvallis/Albany/Salem/Eugene and include:
- Hiking, backpacking, camping
- Kayaking, canoeing, whitewater rafting
- Alpine & XC skiiing, snowshoeing
- Mountain & road biking
- Climbing & mountaineering
- Walking & running
- Coastal & beach trips
Some adventures could be indoors due to our seasonal rains, and many are kid-friendly. Most outings are cheap or free and we usually arrange carpooling.
Check out our past events and pictures to see what we are doing. We also welcome suggestions if there's something you want to try, and if you have a favorite adventure you'd like to share with us we'd love to hear about it! And we're always looking for volunteers to help organize outings.
A note about RSVPs: While we love to have people sign up to attend our outings with us, no-shows are problematic for our leaders. Please, if you RSVP and then discover that you can't attend, change your RSVP to "not attending." No shows are not cool, folks. Please don't be one of them!
In your profile, please use a real picture of YOU and at least your real first name. Aliases and pictures of flowers or dogs create confusion for organizers. It's hard enough for us to remember all the names and faces of the members we encounter; please don't make it even more difficult.
To cover the cost of using the Meetup site, we are charging $3/year, payable after a 30 day trial period. Dues are waived for active organizers (and everyone is invited to organize events!)
Join us for some fun!
--Your Leadership Team