What we’re about
Are you looking for Spiritual Truth, inner peace and a way to really make a difference in the world? Do you want to develop your intuition? Would you like to really use your innate healing powers? Do you want proper answers to the fundamental questions about why we are here, our true purpose and potential in life?
If the answer is YES, then King Yoga is for you! Watch our Introductory Video
As a spiritual seeker, you may feel overwhelmed by the number of claims being made by spiritual teachers. One says one thing – another says the opposite. What can you believe – or trust?
The only ways to know are: intuition, logic and sense perception. When you really experience King Yoga for yourself, you will know that it works.
Taught by western Master of Yoga Dr. George King (1919 – 1997), King Yoga is a spiritual path free from the outdated dogma of traditional religion – a spiritual path that can bring you real enlightenment, and enable you to change the consciousness of humanity as a whole.
King Yoga is threefold: service to others, spiritual teachings and self-development. This makes it perfectly balanced for karmic evolution.
King Yoga is not about blind faith. It is about the realization of Truth.
King Yoga is not about rejecting logic. It is about understanding what the universe really is – and what and who you really are.
King Yoga is not about praying to God for random miracles. King Yoga is about your ability to make miracles happen.
The Aetherius Temple in Barnsley is a unique, beautifully-designed sanctuary of worship and healing dedicated to the spiritual ideals of peace, freedom and enlightenment.
Lovingly renovated over a period of several years, the vast majority of the work was carried out by King Yogis, many of whom donated hundreds of hours of time completely free of charge – motivated purely by the desire to be of selfless service to others. This has helped to ensure that the subtle vibrations of the building itself are conducive to enhancing spiritual awareness.
As well as being the venue for talks, workshops and seminars, the Temple also serves as the venue for free spiritual healing, world healing prayer services, Divine services, commemorations of holy events, and Operation Prayer Power. These are some of the most sacred practices taking place anywhere on Earth – imbuing the Temple with an energy of profound inspiration. JOIN IN THESE ACTIVITIES IN-PERSON OR ONLINE.
We look forward to welcoming you very soon!
Watch our Introductory Video
Visit our website: [aetherius.org](https://www.aetherius.org/) & [aetherius.org/barnsley](aetherius.org/barnsley)
Online activities: [https://www.aetherius.org/online-services/](https://www.aetherius.org/online-services/)
Online events: [https://www.aetherius.org/events/category/upcoming-events-london/](https://www.aetherius.org/events/category/upcoming-events-london/)
Upcoming events (4+)
Nourish your soul, expand your consciousness, enrich your life and help heal the world.
Come together with other spiritual workers to discover the wisdom of the Cosmic Masters, to go within, and to give spiritual healing – not just to one person, but to the world.
Experience King Yoga and feast on spiritual wisdom. Includes visualisation, mantra, prayer as well as an address either by one of our Priests or Ministers or a recording by western Master of Yoga, Dr. George King, on a variety of spiritual and metaphysical topics. A highlight of this service is the playing of one of the beautiful Twelve Blessings Transmissions - a Cosmic extension to the Sermon on the Mount channelled by the Master Jesus through Dr. King in 1958.
MOST SUNDAYS 11AM - We would appreciate you confirming before-hand your in-person attendance and arriving 10-15 mins before the start of the activity / event wherever possible. REGISTER your FREE place at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mystical-divine-service-for-inspiration-healing-tickets-82369045031 or call 01226 744 659 / email northernuk@aetherius.org.
From this page https://www.aetherius.org/locations/london/aetherius-temple-online-services/, enter the password which is the first word in the Index (at the back of the book) in 'Realize Your Inner Potential' by Dr. George King with Richard Lawrence https://www.aetherius.org/shop/realize-your-inner-potential/. This is to ensure you have received the initiations in this book, notably the mantras and corresponding hand sign, also known as a mudra.WATCH VIDEO to find out more - https://youtu.be/5NzOPtr1JvM
VIEW & ADD OUR CALENDAR OF SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES & EVENTS - https://www.aetherius.org/locations/barnsley/full-calendar/
phone: 01226 744 659
email: northernuk@aetherius.org
aetherius.org/barnsley - Online Twelve Blessings ServiceLink visible for attendees
Not just feeling, but action – a positive way to respond to crises.
Join like-minded people around the globe in sending spiritual energy to the world through The Twelve Blessings. Become part of a spiritual force for global transformation. Tune in online at 12blessings.org. You can also listen to the recordings of previous services.
The spiritual energy invoked by you can be directed to the world as a whole for global healing, peace and enlightenment, and to a specific situation or group of people when and where it is most needed.
Each service is about 30 minutes long and anyone can participate. We use a very simple service format that is easy to join in with even if it is your first time tuning in.
ALMOST EVERY DAY - FREE, BROADCAST FROM THIS PAGE: 12blessings.org/live-services/ Near the broadcast start time, simply go to this page and the widget at the top will start playing automatically when we are live. You can also listen to the recordings of previous services.
Open to all and free of charge.
WATCH INTRO VIDEO to find out more - https://vimeo.com/121498530
VIEW & ADD OUR CALENDAR OF SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES & EVENTS - https://www.aetherius.org/locations/barnsley/full-calendar/
REGISTER your FREE place (optional) - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/online-mystic-prayer-services-for-global-healing-tickets-103025345582
An opportunity for you to make a difference in the world in the most potent and spiritual way!
These Power Circles and Healing Services offer you the opportunity to experience King Yoga in action - using the mystic prayer practice of The Twelve Blessings, visualizations and mantras to radiate vital, living, healing, uplifting spiritual energy to the world as a whole and to individuals in need. This in turn will help you tap into your inner potential, access your innate powers and leave you feeling inspired and revitalised in a holy and peaceful setting - knowing you have made a difference to our world and to mankind. Filling you with greater peace, greater upliftment and a glimpse of true freedom.
MOST MONDAYS 8PM - We would appreciate you confirming before-hand your in-person attendance and arriving 10-15 mins before the start of the activity / event wherever possible. REGISTER your FREE place at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/dynamic-prayer-healing-with-the-twelve-blessings-live-online-tickets-103025913280 or call 01226 744 659 / email northernuk@aetherius.org
From this page https://www.aetherius.org/locations/london/aetherius-temple-online-services/, enter the password which is the first word in the Index (at the back of the book) in 'Realize Your Inner Potential' by Dr. George King with Richard Lawrence https://www.aetherius.org/shop/realize-your-inner-potential/. This is to ensure you have received the initiations in this book, notably the mantras and corresponding hand sign, also known as a mudra.WATCH INTRO VIDEO to find out more: https://youtu.be/5NzOPtr1JvM
VIEW & ADD OUR CALENDAR OF SPIRITUAL ACTIVITIES & EVENTS - https://www.aetherius.org/locations/barnsley/full-calendar/
phone: 01226 744 659
email: northernuk@aetherius.org
aetherius.org/barnsley - CONTACT SPIRITUAL HEALING BY APPOINTMENTThe Aetherius Society, Barnsley
Experience spiritual healing to bring ease, harmony and comfort and help restore a natural balance.
Our dedicated team of healers are trained in the contact spiritual healing technique devised by the late Dr. George King and offer a sensitive, balanced and professional service. This healing method is a way of giving healing through the hands, in which energy is transferred from healer to patient, to bring about balance.
Contact or “hands on” healing is offered by appointment every Tuesday at our healing sanctuary. You will be warmly welcomed and treated in a relaxing atmosphere by our devoted and experienced healers. There is no charge for treatment, but donations are greatly appreciated.
Spiritual healing is a complementary therapy, not an alternative therapy. It is should be used in addition to appropriate conventional medical help, not instead of it.
More information can be found here http://www.aetherius.org/healing-yourself-and-others/.
Healing sessions last about 30 minutes; appointment times are as follows:
MORNING - 9:30am, 10am, 10.30am & 11am
To book an appointment, please call 01226 744 659 OR email northernuk@aetherius.org