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What we’re about

Welcome to Afterwork Coding,

This is a weekly event where we meet after work to grab a bite, something to drink and work on our side projects.

You should join if you want a lax environment to hack on your next idea whilst surrounding yourself with like-minded people.

All programming languages and levels of coding skills are welcome.

Maybe you are working on an own development project and like to share ideas, are looking for inspiration on what to do next, or maybe you are fairly new to programming or learning a new technology and like to sit and study in a social environment.

We usually sit at the co-working area inside the Scandic Grand Central hotel lounge.
If you like to bring a drink along, there is a bar at Teaterbrasseriet in connection with the hotel lounge.

There is also food available at Teaterbrasseriet, but if people are in the mood for going out for food and drinks after the event we might make company to some nearby place.

There is no requirement on regular attendance, just join our Meetup event whenever you like and have time for it.

Note though:
If you signed up for an event but eventually cannot come, please be kind and change your RSVP in advance so that the attendee spot is freed up to someone on the waitlist.