What we’re about
Agile London is an established community, bringing together Agile enthusiasts in London to meet and share ideas, experiences, real-life problems, best working practices etc. We aim to provide the whole Agile community, whatever their level, with a regular meeting place to share knowledge from their own past experiences.
The group is made up of thousands of Agile professionals across various disciplines including Developers, Testers, Architects, Project Managers, Scrum Masters, CTOs and many more.
Agile London is free-to-attend although Oliver Bernard request attendees make a donation to our partner, Code Club (part of Raspberry Pi Foundation) a network of volunteer-led after school coding clubs for children, please donate at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/agilelondon.
More info and to see some previous events, please check out www.agilelondon.com or go to https://oliverbernard.co.uk/community. If you would be interested in hosting an event, please get in touch with the Agile London team at Oliver Bernard on: agilelondon@oliverbernard.co.uk.