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What we’re about

Group Goal:
AgileNYC aims to create a vibrant community of Agile Coaches and Scrum Masters in the New York City area. Our goal is to foster collaboration, continuous learning, and professional growth within the Agile and Scrum methodologies. We strive to create an environment where members can share best practices, discuss challenges, and explore innovative solutions to drive success in their respective organizations.

Target Audience:
We are hoping to meet:

  • Agile Coaches who are passionate about guiding teams and organizations in Agile principles.
  • Scrum Masters who are committed to facilitating and improving Scrum practices.
  • Aspiring Agile practitioners who want to learn from experienced professionals.
  • Project Managers, Product Owners, and other stakeholders interested in Agile and Scrum methodologies.

Event Activities:
Our events will include:

  1. Monthly Meetups: Regular gatherings featuring guest speakers, panel discussions, and interactive workshops on various Agile and Scrum topics.
  2. Networking Sessions: Opportunities to connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and build lasting relationships.
  3. Agile Coaching Clinics: Personalized coaching sessions where members can seek advice and guidance on specific challenges they are facing.
  4. Community Outreach: Collaborative projects with local organizations to apply Agile principles in community development.
  5. Book Clubs & Study Groups: Regular meetings to discuss influential books, articles, and research in the field of Agile and Scrum.
  6. Hackathons & Innovation Challenges: Engaging events where members can work together on real-world problems, encouraging creativity and innovation.
  7. Social Gatherings: Informal get-togethers to foster camaraderie and strengthen the community bond.

Upcoming events

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