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What we’re about


Welcome to AI Empowered Futures - a collective of minds devoted to unraveling and exploring the awe-inspiring world of Artificial Intelligence. This potent and transformational technology is redefining our lives and reshaping the world as we know it.

Our Mission

Our mission encompasses several key objectives:

AI Awareness: We aim to enhance awareness about AI, fostering a better understanding of this powerful technology that's poised to revolutionize the future.

Community Building: We seek to cultivate a community that thrives on curiosity, mutual learning, and respectful dialogue about AI, whether you're a seasoned professional, a tech enthusiast, or someone simply fascinated by its potential.

Promoting Technological Adaptation: In an era of rapid technological advancement, we understand the challenges of keeping pace. Hence, we're committed to helping individuals adapt to new technologies, providing guidance and resources to ease this transition.


We offer various workshops or courses aimed at introducing foundational AI concepts. These sessions are designed to enhance your understanding and equip you with basic proficiency in this rapidly advancing field.


For more information about our group, future workshops, or just to engage in a discussion, feel free to reach out to Edward at (852) 9889 8219.


歡迎來到 AI 掌握未來 - 一個致力於解開和探索令人敬畏的人工智能世界的集體。這種強大且變革性的技術正在重新定義我們的生活並改變我們所認識的世界。



AI 意識: 我們旨在增強對 AI 的認識,促進對這種有望革新未來的強大技術的更好理解。
社區建設: 我們希望培養一個對 AI 充滿好奇心、相互學習和尊重對話的社區,無論你是經驗豐富的專業人士,技術愛好者,還是簡單地被其潛力所吸引的人。

推廣技術適應: 在技術快速發展的時代,我們理解跟上步伐的挑戰。因此,我們致力於幫助個人適應新技術,提供指導和資源以便於這種過渡。

教育: 我們提供不同的工作坊或課程,旨在介紹 AI 的基礎概念。這些課程旨在增強您的理解並使您在這個迅速發展的領域中具備基本的熟練度。

注意: 雖然我們目前的重點是建立一個豐富的、參與的和知識豐富的社區,但我們對未來有令人興奮的計劃。


如果您想了解有關我們群組、未來工作坊的更多信息,或只是參與討論,請隨時與 Edward 聯繫:(852) 9889 8219