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What we’re about

Aim High BNI is a dynamic, high-energy, record-holding chapter of Business Networking International. We LOVE visitors, so if you would like to introduce yourself and your business, we want to meet you. People who meet us always comment on the professionalism of the group and the positive, supportive vibe they see members share with each other and our visitors. This is a high energy group that meets every week to help build and support each other.

Aim High BNI is based on the idea that "Givers Gain." When we focus on bringing hot, qualified, vetted referrals to our BNI colleagues, and they are focused on doing the same thing for us, we all benefit. Joining a BNI chapter is like getting a whole new sales force! Only one person from each professional specialty is permitted to join a chapter of BNI. This way, members lock out their competition in their own groups.
We meet virtually every Thursday from 11:30am to 1:00pm. Please join us!
For more information about Aim High BNI, please feel free to email or you may send us a message through Meetup.
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To view a list of our chapter members and their professions, visit:,4828,4868$isChapterwebsite

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About BNI: We are a business networking group and our members meet weekly to give and gain referrals, attend professional development trainings while expanding their business networks. BNI is the largest business networking organization in the world. We have more than 300,000 members in 70 countries and, last year, the members of those chapters passed business referrals among themselves that resulted in more than $20 billion in revenue to BNI members. Please visit to find out more.

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