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What we’re about

Welcome to the Akron Movie Addicts Meetup Group!

We'll devote our time in dark theaters to explore the best of the first-run movies that are opening in wide release in the Akron area, whether they be the latest blockbuster, the newest thriller, the best rom com, or the hot prestige movies that are possible Oscar bait.  We'll try to catch the newest cinematic experience from our favorite stars and the can't-miss directors.

In many cases, our group joins with the Akron Independent Film Lovers Meetup for joint events.

Of course, movies will be just part of the fun. We will also strive to get together for good food and drink before or after the flick for energizing silver-screen discussion.  

Suggestions are certainly welcome for whatever movie is coming to our area that you're dying to see with your movie-loving friends.  No movie is off-limits. Don't be afraid to suggest anything -- all tastes are encouraged, from slasher pic to Disney feature and anything in between. But let's not miss the chance to see the best movies of the year with fellow movie addicts. 

The group is always looking for organizers and for anyone who wants to suggest a movie that is on your must-see list. If you have a certain genre or area of special interest, we are looking for you to help the group grow and for us to schedule meetups surrounding your particular movie taste. We're certain that others will be joining you at the movies of your choosing! See you at the movies.