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From: user 6.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 10:28 AM
Dear ........

I do not wish to be pulled into the back and forth of this topic. I think
it has been exhausted.
The nasty tone and name calling is not necessary.
Let's be greatful for the increasing number of people learning about
eating and living a cruelty way of life for all creatures on the planet.

PS - for future events, I suggest two options; partake or stay home.

Wishing everyone a happy co-existance.

> and you choose to remain steadfast in your assertion that your definition
> is, a. important, and??b. correct.??
> open your mind and learn....
> the IVU (International Vegetarian Union) defines vegetarian as:
> Vegetarian: For the purpose of membership of IVU, vegetarianism includes
> veganism and is defined as the practice of not eating meat, poultry or
> fish or their by-products, with or without the use of dairy products or
> eggs.
> Often broken down further into OVO-LACTO, and LACTO. Vegetarians may or
> may not try and minimize their non food use of animals like vegans.
> ??
> From the Compassionate Action Institute:
> ???????? Vegetarians are people who do not eat meat.?? Vegans don???t eat
> meat or other animal products such as eggs and dairy.?? They also avoid
> the use of all animal products such as gelatin, lanolin, leather, fur,
> feathers.?? They aspire to lead a cruelty-free life.
> ??
> The Vegetarian Society:
> ??
> A vegetarian is someone living on a diet of grains, pulses, nuts, seeds,
> vegetables and fruits with or without the use of dairy products and eggs.
> A vegetarian does not eat any meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish or
> crustacea, or slaughter by-products.
> Types of Vegetarian
> Lacto-ovo-vegetarian­. Eats both dairy products and eggs. This is the most
> common type of vegetarian diet.
> Lacto-vegetarian. Eats dairy products but not eggs.
> Vegan. Does not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other animal product.
> ??
> ??
> ??
> Unless you know more than these organizations, clearly you are wrong.??
> Admit it, pea brain.
> ??
> You know what the meaning of the word was as it was originally created???
> You were there??? or are a student of vegetarian history??? and assuming
> that your claim is correct (HUGE assumption there) then you apparently
> believe that words do not evolve in meaning to better fit a situation.??
> You do not know what the word means any more than I know how to rebuild a
> carbeurator.?? you have been Vegan for less than??5 months! 5 MONTHS!??
> and don't bother with the rest unless you'd like to discuss it in
> person.?? I'd relish the opportunity.
> ??
> idiot.
> ??
> Again, to the rest of you,?? best of luck.

NY's Capital Region Vegetarian Expo
Committee Organizer

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