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Reminder: Scotia Vegan Solstice Potluck Thurs. Dec 15 at 6pm

From: Elizabeth g.
Sent on: Tuesday, December 6, 2016, 11:59 AM

Join us at the 1st Reformed Church in Scotia for a vegan solstice potluck & white elephant party on Thursday, Dec 15th from 6-8pm. We have 11 coming so far! Friends, family, everyone is welcome - just bring a vegan dish to share along with your own plate, cup, utensils, napkin, etc.

We're also having a white elephant party if you want to join in. You know that item that you never used and is sitting in your cupboard? Wrap it up and swap it out in this fun game.

Please note that the First Reformed Church sits on a huge lot with a long main entrance at 224 Ballston Ave. But the side entrance, at the intersection of Church and Collins, is where the community room is located and where we'll park. The whole place is very dark but there are small outdoor lights at the community room entrance, to the far right of the church building.

I've rented out the Church's community room and am asking a $3 donation to offset the cost. There is a microwave and a sink but we're asked not to use the kitchen otherwise.

Feel free to text or email me if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

Best Wishes,


(650)[masked] or [address removed]


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