What we’re about
We're a local group of the national Green Party who want to meet others curious, involved or registered as Green already to discuss various issues - what's happening in the the Green Party (locally, statewide and nationally); plans to run Greens in local & statewide elections; as well as wide variety of other concerns: ballot access and electoral freedom, local food, clean alternative energy and climate issues, is the city/state doing enough to promote sustainability, will we all have quality, affordable healthcare, the military budget, corporate control of our systems of elections, news, and education, etc.
Not a Green Party member yet? Fine. We're looking for progressive people in Albuquerque and greater New Mexico too who are frustrated with the corporate-funded 2-party political system in this country and want to activate a change.
Registering "independent" means you're in a vacuum waiting for one of the 2 major parties to "hand down" something you might believe in. We no longer have the time to wait! Want to make a statement that words like Hope and Change have to have real & intended action behind them? Re-register Green! Want to make a statement that Tea is for drinking and just yelling down your opposition does little to change anything and erodes community? Re-register Green!
The Green Party is here. Let's get this Party started!