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What we’re about

The purpose of our group is to spread awareness of plant medicines and the ability of these medicines to help us heal and grow. We spread awareness and understanding by sharing our personal experiences and hearing the experiences of others.
If you have been healed and/or had a life altering experience after using plant medicines, we welcome you. We also welcome those who have been unable to attain health through traditional medicine. Many members suffer from the same illnesses and have similar symptoms as other members of the group. Hearing how others have been helped and/or healed through use of plant medicines is transformative. For many, exploring the use of these alternatives is a last resort. In addition, we welcome all persons who are curious and want to learn more about this non-traditional approach to health.
Member requirements are simple, but absolutely essential:
. All who join must be honest, understanding that sharing experiences, thoughts and opinions regarding plant medicines, may leave some feeling vulnerable. Therefore,
. All members thoughts, opinions, life choices and experiences shall be respected, appreciated, and kept sacred and private.
. Member privacy is crucial.