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What we’re about

Amazon Alexa - Enthusiasts, Users, and Developers

Alexa is fun but also powerful - for home, for business, and as a tool to enable the physically challenged. Alexa is great not just for music, but also for home automation ( TV, Lights, Window Shades, Hospital Beds), Communications, Education, and even Games.

This group is aimed at bringing together users, developers, installers, interested in Amazon Alexa. Guest speakers and our own members will meet to discuss and share 

      * Uses of Alexa
             - Favorite Alexa Skills
             - Business Uses
             - Smart Home Automation
             - Empowering Physically & Visually Challenged Individuals 
                         ( *** this is my own key interest )

     * For developers - how to create new Alexa Skills, 
     * Users - how to get more out of Alexa,
     * Installation and Setup Issues, 
     * Problems and solutions,
     * The future of Alexa and other voice based technologies,

Join us.